Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The saddness, pride, joy and love of a mother...

all bring their own set of tears.  
Today my Mom was scheduled to leave.  I am always sad when she leaves as I cherish our time together but this time was different.  This time she took my baby with her.  He wanted to go and was so excited!  We were not sure if he would go through with it, but he did.  I was thrilled for him, and for my parents.  I always wish he had more time with them and what an amazing opportunity.  It is good for all of us.   I was good, knew I would be sad but was keeping myself calm and was just going to be super excited for his sake.  I was excited for him, just sad for me.  No long drawn out goodbyes, no I miss you's and certainly no tears.  Well, as we were about to go to the car, he looked up at me and said, "I will miss you mama!"  Deep breath, change of subject after a quick I will miss you too and move on.  Now the tears were close and I was having to try to hold them back. 
So, we load the car, he hops in his seat, after a few words of wisdom from 2 friends, I hugged my Mom goodbye.  And as I did, she whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, we will take good care of him."  Tears are a little harder to hold back now.  Breath, Allison.  He can not see you cry.  
I was terrified if he saw me cry, he would cry and it would take away from this wonderful opportunity he had and it would taint his excitement! So, I kissed him and had to keep kissing him because I could not talk.  That dang lump, where did it come from and why now???  I said a quick goodbye, shut the door, motioned to Mom I had to go in so he did not see me cry. And the tears started before I turned around.  They were unleashed like a dam, like a furry of wild animals, streaming down my face completely out of control.  So, I watched out of the window as they drove off on their journey to S.C. 
Then the guilt hit me...what kind of Mom does not get a hold of herself and wave goodbye as her baby drives off with a big happy smile on her face???  Maybe a pregnant one, one who has never sent her baby off in all his 3 years for a trip like this, one who loves their baby so much that as he drove off her heart felt like it was on fire....with pride, joy, and sadness.

             I am so proud of you big boy!  You make your Mama so happy!  We will miss you so
             much this week but we want you to enjoy your time with G.G. and Pop!  Before we 
             know it, it will be Sunday and you will be coming home!  Tell G.G. and Pop to take 
             lots of pictures and save me and daddy a few kisses!    
                                                        We love you so much!
                                                         Mama and Daddy

UPDATE:  Talked to Mom!  He doesn't even miss us!  He is still so excited!  They were eating at McDonalds and he was hungry for a cheeseburger!  I am so happy for him and so proud of him! 

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