Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Curti UPDATE

I hit the 20 week mark today!   Hurray for half way!!!  Actually I am past half way as they plan to induce a week early.  Not sure how I feel about that right now but...we will take it day by day.  As most of you know we had our anatomy ultrasound last week!  We are thrilled to announce we are having another boy!  And NO I was not dissapointed by this news!  I seriously thought I would be.  When I saw that little guy flitting around in my belly and could feel him and knew he was healthy, nothing else mattered.  Anna and Sully both wanted a boy so they were thrilled.  Sullivan acted like it was no big deal that he knew this already.  We even took him out to eat to tell him and were all excited and it was not news to him at all.  We called Anna that night and Sullivan told her that, "it is a baby boy and it has a wee wee and a hiney!"  She screamed with delight!  I think she is secretly happy to be daddy's only little girl.
After our ultrasound we met with the genetic counselor again.  Not sure how much I have shared here about this part but because I am 35 I am considered advanced maternal age and my risk of having a baby with a chromosomal disorder outweighs the risk of an amnio.  However, the risk of problems is a mere 5%.  Therefor, we had a 95% chance of having a healthy baby.  Anyway, we opted for the nuchal and it looked great and then we did the quad screen which came back negative!  Yeah for baby Curti.  So our counseling appointment went fabulous!  We now have a 1/10,000 chance of having a baby with a chromosomal disorder in the downs family.  Today I went back in and saw the pediatric cardiologist for a fetal echo.  I had to have this because of my history with gestational diabetes there is a higher chance of some heart defects.  All looks good so far so we will keep trying to be healthy and taking care of me and the little guy!
I can feel him kick lots now.  I actually started feeling him at about 14 weeks but it was so sporadic.  Some days I felt him lots and others I did not feel him at all.  I feel him every day now.  Such a wonderful feeling.  I love it!  I can not wait for Mike and Sully to be able to feel him.
I have picked out his bedding and now just need to place the order and get that room cleaned out.  We are having a yard sale May 15th so I hope to get rid of a lot of junk and start getting organized! Yeah!  I am so excited and feel so very blessed!   

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