Thursday, May 31, 2012

God Bless America

We kicked off the weekend with a little cookout in our back yard, just me and the boys!  I grilled for the first time pretty much ever.  It was good!  I love spending good fun time with my boys!  We sure missed Mike!
Every Memorial Day weekend Pungo has their annual Strawberry Festival complete with pig races, a mechanical bull, a carnival, bands, clowns, vendors galore, military vehicles and a 4H tent.  It is pretty much awesome!  Small town thing...
So we met up with some friends and played.  We saw part of the parade.  Enjoyed the 4H tent.  Sully got his face painted.  Played with big guns.  Got in boats, trucks and other vehicles.  Watched military working dogs be bad ass.  Ate chocolate dipped strawberries.  Sullivan rode rides.  Shopped a little.  Got sunburned, tired and thirsty.  Five hours after starting the festivities we headed home.

We enjoyed the pool with friends on Saturday!  I wish I had my camera because Sullivan was swimming like a little fishy and Mason LOVED the water! And then Sunday took a ride to a friends house for a fabulous BBQ.  It was a wonderful weekend!  Would have been perfect if my sweet hubby could have joined us but, good non the less.

Thank you not just today but everyday to those who have served, are serving and will serve.  It is not just a job but an entire lifestyle full of sacrifice.  I am incredibly proud of my husband and his almost 20 years in the Navy!  I am proud of my father and grandfather and their service as well as their support of the military.  I am proud of my friends who serve selflessly.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  As a kid I used to live near and Air Force Base and for some reason I remember being scared when I heard the F16's fly. I always feared that we were going to war, in Sumter, S.C.  Someone once told me that I did not have to worry because our military was protecting us.  That gave me such peace.   Thank you for being brave, for having courage, honor and commitment.  Thank you for keeping us safe.  For being awake while we sleep.  For eating rations while we eat steak.  For working while we play.  And the list goes on, and on, and on...    God Bless America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

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