Thursday, May 31, 2012

I got my Hooters squashed!!!

Did you???
You must start getting your mammo when you are 40!  Early detection is key to survival!  I know I am only 37 so why did I go??  Well, I felt a lump in my right breast while nursing Mason.  I know, way back then.  I spoke with my Dr who said not to worry that our breast get lumpy while nursing.  Could be clogged duct, etc...  Watch it.  Well, months later I felt it again.  Made appointment.  Dr said it just felt like fibrous tissue to her.  I have no family history.  I'm not over 40.  I breast fed both kids.  I just do not have many risk factors.  So, watch it and come back if it changes.  When Mike was home I started having pain in that side so I went back.  This time, she felt nothing.  But, I could feel it.  She said there was nothing to even ultrasound.  But I am telling you I FELT IT!  So, she said lets do a baseline mammo.  For a base line, peace of mine, yada yada, yada...  I scheduled it and went.  I was so nervous.  My main thought was that this one little test could be life changing.  I prayed.  Got there.  Checked in.  Filled out paperwork.  Waited 5 long minutes.  Got called back by the nicest lady ever.  She left the room, I put on the ugly robe that opened in front and put stickers on my nipples.  I know right??  No one told me about the stickers either.  She came back asked me about my "spot" and put sticker on it.  Did mammo.  Wham bam thank you man it was over!  It was quick and uncomfortable but not painful.  After having a baby that was CAKE!  After nursing that was cake.  It was 4 quick squishes!  She left the room. Returned 8 long minutes that felt like 30 later.  Took me to ultrasound "spot".  Nervous because she is not saying anything.  Shit.  Praying.  While walking in I asked calmly if doctor had reviewed ultrasound.  She said yes.  Silence.  I asked how it was.  She said, and I quote, "I will have to let the doctor tell you because if I tell you she will be all mad because she is the doctor, not me!"  W.T.F.  For real?  Large tennis ball lump in throat. I'm dying. Wanting my hubby.  Nurse goes to leave and say, "OK, doctor will be here in just a minute."  Walks to door.  Turns and looks at me as she is CLOSING the door and says, "And Mrs. Curti, everything looks good!"  Relief flooded my body like a shot of tequila.  And then I got mad, why the hell couldn't she have just said that the first time.  Why couldn't she have just said a simple,"I don't know."  So the sweet, happy, wonderful doctor who if I had breast cancer I would want to see came in and she immediately said all looked great.  Thank you doctor for not playing games with my respiratory system, among others.  Your nurse made it quite hard to breath there for a minute.  She went on to tell me while she was doing quick ultrasound that I have an oil cyst.  It is causes by trauma.  Trauma????  The only trauma I can think of is my little trouble maker elbowing me in the boob trying to get up while I'm asleep.  She then took me to the room so I could see it.  She explained everything.  Said they got a GREAT picture and all looked good.  The cyst will dissipate on it's own!  Hallelujah praise the Lord! I wanted to celebrate!
So, the moral of the story is this....GET YOUR HOOTERS SQUASHED!!!  It is not that bad and it is quite quick!  And they really do not make them like a pancake.  And it may detect something early enough to do something about it.  I know 2 girls who are about my age who have both had breast cancer and both are survivors!  I am sure thanks to early detection.  Don't be scared.  Or be scared, but do it anyway.
Wanna see my boobie???
          So the bright white dot to the left is the sticker on my nipple.  And the moon looking thing by the little bitty arrow is the cyst.  The triangle is the marker for the to look where I was feeling it.  Pretty cool huh???  Actually if I had taken a good enough picture you could even see adipose tissue and pectoral muscles.  It was really cool!  I am so glad I did it.  You will be too.  Promise.

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