Monday, June 4, 2012

3 more months until 2

Happy 21 months our little Mason!  How time flies.  How time flies.  You are growing like a weed.  This month alone has been a huge change for you.  You have given up your paci, with out a struggle I might add and you have just become a little toddler.  You said new words, or attempted new words: bye bye, night night, blue, i love you, no, and others...  You can now jump on 2 feet.  It is so cute to watch you try.  You LOVE the pool! You love to run.  You love baseball.  You love your brother.  You met a new friend, Gina the Giraffe who you love to poke.  You have started to really interact with your friends even though you are still possessive of your toys.  You are trying your best to spit out your tooth paste and you have tee teed on the potty twice.  You are wearing 24 month shorts and 2T shirts and size 6.5 shoes.  You have so many expressions and you still love to make funny faces at the camera!  You have not had a hair cut much to your fathers dismay.  Really he doesn't care as long as you do not have a mullet or look like a girl.  You are kind of rocking both but since he is across the world, we are good.  A hair but will come in due time.  Your hair has become so light and I am sure will get lighter this summer.  And you are so tan.  You are going to love the Santee this summer.  I can not believe how close we are to celebrating 2 years with you.  Seems like yesterday...    

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