Saturday, June 9, 2012

A week of Celebration

The beginning of June is always fun for us!  We get to celebrate my Dad and our Sullivan!  This year Pop, GG, Zeke, Laurel and Elliott came up on Thursday (June 7) to help us celebrate Sullivan's birthday!  I can not even begin to tell you how special my big guy felt!  He was so excited they were ALL coming!  They got here late Thursday night.  On Friday Sullivan had to get up and go to school.  Boo but after we put him on the bus, G.G. took Elliott and Laurel up to have lunch with him and then took him out of school early.  He was so happy!  Once they were all back from school G.G. and Pop gave Sullivan his birthday gift - "exactly what he always wanted!" - a skim board and we took off to the beach.  It was a gorgeous day at the beach.  all the kids attempted the skim board, only Zeke succeeded.  We will just have to practice lots this summer. They swam, dug in the sand, met friends and just played.  

After an afternoon of sand, sun and salt we headed home to get ready for my Co-op picnic.  Co-op you ask???  I am a part of a Smart Moms Co-op. This is a group of ladies who all have children about the same age and we babysit each others kids for points.  It is like a check book with no pressure to stay in the positive.  Basically they are there when I need a babysitter, a play date or even a friend and vice versa.  I adore this group of ladies so it was very important to me to introduce them to my family and my family to them.  We ate, played a few games, chit chatted and eventually walked home.  It was a really sweet evening that we topped off with a birthday celebration for Dad!  Dad's birthday was June 6th!  G.G. and the kids decorated the kitchen and we had cake, ice cream and a birthday/fathers day surprise for Dad.  His surprise?  He is getting to drive a real Nascar car at the Charlotte Motor Speedway!  I am so excited for him!  We all are!  Just need to pick a date now because we are all going to go watch Pop speed around the track!  (will add pix when I get back to VA)

Friday was a wrap....long but perfect day!  Saturday my baby boy was turning 6.  Where o where has the time gone??  Seems like yesterday we had a farm party with his friend Ryan.  And when I think back to it, they were turning 3.  Wow.  He is growing up so fast.  He is tall, handsome, still breaks hearts when he cries.  He strives to be a good boy and a gentleman like his daddy.  He holds doors for ladies and uses his manners.  He is competitive, hates losing but loves to play!  He adores baseball and is begging to play football and do karate.  He is over 50 pounds, has amazing blue eyes like his Pop, and hair that I never know what to do with.  He still loves superman and wears a superman curl.  He loves his chunky monkey, he is genuine, loves Clemson tigers and says Gamecocks stink,  and thinks going into first grade is the best thing ever.  He is reading, has messy handwriting, is the best big brother ever, still loves to cuddle with me, things riding the bus makes him big.  He hopes to play football one day, be an astronaut and wants to be a Daddy when he grows up.  He is a good kid.  We are incredibly proud of him.  And on Saturday June 9th, we celebrated Sullivan!!!  We celebrated with o-doodle do's donuts for breakfast and a bowling party in the afternoon.  It was good.  Actually it was great!  He had wonderful friends come to celebrate with us and felt incredibly loved.  If there is any gift I want for him, it is to feel loved and special.  He did.  He said it was the best day if his life but he wished for his Daddy.  His Daddy wished he was with us too.
As the ever eventful weekend wound down, Pop, Zeke and the kiddos had to leave.  We were all sad to see them go and Sully broke our hearts with his big crocodile tears.  That kid has the softest of hearts.  And we ended the night with fever...  Guess we played too hard.  I thank the Lord for my family.  Having them here not only meant the world to Sullivan but it also meant the world to me.  With Mike gone having them here made missing Mike a little easier.  That is support at its best! I am blessed beyond belief and am incredibly grateful.  The next week was Sullivan's last week of kindergarten and G.G. stayed for the fun!

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