Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday America

July 4th, a day of patriotism and patriotism has a brand new meaning for me.  I am definatly earning my military spouses badge!  Oh there is not one?  Well there should be!  This is our first deployment in all the time we have been together and I know many who have done it several time and let me tell you, they deserve a badge. And a vacation!  So today, as we ride around on the pontoon boat, with the kids decked out in red, white and blue, waving the stars and stripes, patriotic music playing, searching for the best place to see the show, I feel a great love for our country, for our military and for my precious husband.  God Bless America, home of the FREE, because of the brave.  Thank you to all who have contributed to keeping our great nation free!

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