Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ok, so go to your happy place, because I want you to feel this.... 
Last week we were on edge big time.  Mike and I both knew chief results would be out soon, very soon.  Some were saying as early as Monday, and others said no later than Friday.  For us it was MAKE IT or BREAK IT!  For real, if Mike did not make it he was up for retirement in May of 2013.  That meant that he had to get a job, a good job.  He was worried. Good jobs were few and far between and he really wants me to stay home with the boys.  
So it is Tuesday, and we were chatting, sick to our stomach nervous.  We were off of chat so that I could get Mason down.  I sent him a text asking him something and he replied with, "they are looking for them now."  I had no clue what he was talking about so I said, "looking for what?"  I am running around trying to get Mason into the car to go for a drive because he would not settle down so I am not even thinking.  Then he wrote back and said, "chief results".  I do not understand.  They can not just lose chief results.  So I am now thinking that it is going to be a while before we know anything.  I wrote back and said,"looking for them?"  He said, "yes, they are out and I am looking for them now."  Holy grail of panic has set in.  I am nauseated.  I can not quit pacing.  I know he is worried sick.  I just want to hug him and tell him I love him and am proud of him no matter what.  I am still at home so I start looking on facebook for any signs of results.  Lo and behold results are out.  Saw a congrats note on a friends facebook page.  However the person who wrote the note, knows Mike too.  The fact that he did not write Congrats on Mike's page makes me think it does not look good for us.  Time is passing, oh so very slowly.  I decide I have to go drive Mason so I leave and am waiting on a call from Mike.  I decide to Skype him.  So nervous that he did not make it.  Giving him the wife speech, you know the one, it's OK baby, we have each other...yada...yada...yada...   He is getting text messages from others out there and no one knows a thing.  This is terrible.  Every minute that passes, a little hope is lost.  We get off Skype and I tell him I will try him again when I get Mason in bed.  Keep me posted.  I am in tears. I am sick to my stomach.  I felt like this poor man is getting passed up yet again and he has worked his ass off.  How does he keep slipping through the cracks?  What in the world could he be missing now?  I am praying a desperate prayer, over and over again.  Lord, I know you have a plan for us but please let it include him making chief and please forgive me for not having faith in your plan. Amen  My feeling were so hurt for him.  With in minutes he calls.  I could not read his voice when he said Hey.  Then he says, "It is not official...(deep breath.....sigh...) but Tourville just sent me a message saying Congratulations!"  Tears are streaming down my face, big fat crocodile tears.  Tourville said his name was on the list and that he had made it but Mike was in shock.  And he was so scared to let the cat out of the bag because he had not heard from his command yet.  Then the phone starts ringing and the facebook messages start and he does not have a choice!  Ann called and I have not heard joy in her voice like that in a long time.  Tears still streaming down my face.  I called Mom, and she cried!  We started the phone calls and the text messages and we were 2 busy, happy people the rest of the day! Relief was the best emotion of all I think.  I don't know, I was so proud of him.  It was one emotional day.  That night neither of us slept a wink.  Hell month started up the next morning and he has been one tired sailor ever since.  Exhausted is more like it.  But, every yawn is well worth it!  

I am so proud of you Chief Select Curti!!!  You deserve this so much!  I know these 6 weeks will be hard but you can do it!  You will be stronger for it.  I wish I could be there to make sure you had clean uniforms and food to eat.  And I would do just about anything to hug your neck right now.  Stay strong, persevere and make the best of these 6 weeks.  It is a memory, an experience and something you will treasure.  I love you with all my heart and am so incredibly proud of you!
You loving wife...  

So, what does this mean for us??  Most likely 3 more years in the Navy.  Another possible deployment.  A raise. And who knows....  Who really knows???  What I do know is that pinning is on September 13th and the Khaki ball is on Sept 15th and I can not be there...  :-(    Praying we can at least Skype through the ceremony!  I will keep you updated!  
Thank you all for your love, support and kind words through all of this and for having faith in my sweet husband!   It means the world...

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