Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our last Hur-Rah before school starts!!!

Our first stop - Huntersville, N.C. to see the Georger Family!  Colin and Sullivan were both born in Italy and delivered by the same Dr.  And, Allison has been in delivery with me for both of my boys!  Needless to say, she is one of my nearest, dearest and always will be.  And her boys, are so special to me, especially that Colin.  Hudson and I have not really had a chance to bond, but on this trip, we made huge progress!!  We slumber partied, we went to the Discovery Place, we talked, we ate, we cleaned up messes that 4 happy boys made, we put pennies on railroad tracks, talked about baseball and cub scouts, I got to meet her sweet honey and even hug her Mama's neck.  It was a good visit indeed.  Short but sweet.

(Alla, I need some pictures from you.  STAT.)

After a stop in N.C. we headed to Belton to see Noni and Anna!  My boys are always happy to see them both!  We picked up Anna and headed to Gods country for a quick visit to Fan Appreciation Day!  :-)  After lots of fun getting autographs we met Noni at Mellow Mushroom and headed back to Belton. She had pumpkin pie and whip creme for the kids.  Seems pie for breakfast is becoming a staple at Noni's house.  :-)  Only grandma's can do that!  We had a birthday cake for Mason, played outside, fed the fish, ate Noni's spaghetti, picked Anna up from her first day of school, shopped some and took Anna for her braces consult! Another short but sweet visit.  Love our visit's to Noni's house.  

Our last stop for the summer was to the Santee.  We had lunch at Elliott's new school on Friday and then picked he and Laurel up after school!  G.G. and I took them all the Chuck E Cheese!  Fun Fun!!!  Love these kids!  Had them down for the weekend.  Sullivan was super sad they had to go back to school.  Our schedules being so different is for the birds.  It rained and rained that week and we went stir crazy!!!  But we had a party to plan! And a birthday party we had!  He got great gifts, was showed lots of love and ate cupcakes.  It was eventful to say the least.  Hudson had a peanut allergy reaction which landed him at the doctors office.  Kya, Chris's daughter, fell off the dock twice, Laurel fell off once, Sullivan cut his toe on something in the lake and well I think that was all of our casualties, other than the mess we made.  It was good, all good!  We topped the week off with an awesome Clemson win against Auburn and the kids had their first ride on a jet ski!.  Yep, football season has officially begun!  Life is good.  NO, life is Great!  

And, back to Virginia...
Bittersweet indeed.

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